Laura Vaughan

Laura Vaughan



I am blessed to be working as Interim Customer Service and Registrar Support for the Narrative Enneagram since the Fall of 2019. As a 9, I love being a welcoming, encouraging and supporting presence to others.
I first became aware of the Enneagram back in 2006. I have read many books and attended, hosted and taught several Enneagram workshops. I learned about The Narrative Enneagram when TNE’s Evangeline Welch led an Enneagram retreat for the church staff that I worked on. The connection with Evangeline opened the door for learning and growing deeper in Enneagram work. The Enneagram has been a transformative tool on my own journey.
I live with my husband Benny and our sweet Maltese, Sugar, in Shreveport, LA. We are blessed to have two grown sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law and four amazing grandchildren. My degree is in Christian Education from Centenary College of Louisiana. I am a Spiritual Director, certified by the Louisiana Annual Conference, and founder of a new nonprofit, In Good Company Foundation, whose focus is walking with others - Tending Hearts | Growing in Lovingkindness and Compassion. We offer programs that support healing and the opening of the heart.