Helen Palmer
Founder and Core Faculty Emeritus
Helen Palmer, Core Faculty Emeritus of The Narrative Enneagram (TNE) and co-founder of the Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP), is an international bestselling author and a teacher of psychology and intuition. Her authorship is a continuing success with The Enneagram and The Enneagram in Love and Work, now in 28 languages. This work was featured in a documentary aired on PBS, Breaking Out of the Box: Discovering the Enneagram. For her current distance learning programs, visit www.enneagram.com.
Helen co-founded the EPTP with David Daniels, MD in 1988. Their early collaborations met a pressing need for quality education following publication of Helen's first Enneagram book. Each founder brought a wealth of prior experience to the curriculum: Helen as an academic psychologist and practicing intuitive, and David as a practicing psychiatrist and Stanford professor. The natural expression of their different orientations has shaped today's professional trainings toward self-awareness for professional excellence.
In 1994, Helen and David co-chaired the first International Enneagram Conference at Stanford University. She is a Founding Director of the International Enneagram Association that emerged from that conference. Helen has established Enneagram scholarship in the US, Europe and Asia during 30 years of international presentations in a wide range of academic, business and spiritual institutions including Harvard, John F. Kennedy University, Loyola Chicago, The Union Institute and University, and the California School of Professional Psychology.