Me, Luke Skywalker, and the Enneagram

September 3, 2024 | By TNE

Me, Luke Skywalker, and the Enneagram written over an abstract background

There is a memorable scene in the first “Star Wars” film when Luke Skywalker begins his Jedi training. Yoda knows that Skywalker does not yet understand what he is up against. The young man assures his mentor that he is unafraid and Yoda replies ominously, “You will be, you will be.” What follows is Skywalker’s deep dive into himself, his demons, and his internal landscape—the place where each of us eventually meets our most formidable foe.

Learning about the Enneagram and exploring our type is perhaps a form of Jedi training. It invites us to meet our true essence and to reconcile with the armor we have created to shield us from pain and life’s many challenges.

I first encountered the Enneagram decades ago when I was in my early thirties. I was drawn to its teachings, but the demands of motherhood and my responsibilities in a family business limited my time to really delve in. Decades passed and then 2020 brought the Covid pandemic.

After becoming quite sick, I needed months to regain my strength. Luckily, reading required little physical exertion, and my old copy of The Wisdom of the Enneagram beckoned from my bookcase. This was the silver lining of Covid for me.

As I regained my health, I decided to explore options to certify as an Enneagram teacher and immersed myself in the learning. I chose The Narrative Enneagram as my school because they were accredited. (As a retired high school teacher who had been through several cycles of accreditation, I knew that this designation is meaningful and not easily earned.)

Identifying that I lead with Type 6 and gaining a deeper understanding of those patterns has been an important tool in my journey towards healing from the deep wounds of a violent and troubled childhood. During the three-day Foundational Courses, we dig deep. It was not easy at first for me to participate in panels. I felt very vulnerable. Like Skywalker, I was being invited to go to places that would eventually give me freedom and strength, but I wasn’t getting there without being brave and curious. 

I learned that when I gave myself to the process, a synergy was created by the combination of me as a willing participant, a wise and humble facilitator, and the loving presence of those bearing witness. By watching panels, I have also gained greater awareness of what some of my family members are up against. For example, my mom was deeply wounded by her violent marriage. Watching Type One panels has given me a lens through which I can better understand her behavior and the pain and struggles she faces as an 89-year old woman who never had the benefit of this kind of work.

The classes I have taken at The Narrative Enneagram have been my Jedi training. Each workshop has left me wanting more—more learning, more connecting to myself and others, more opportunities for spiritual growth. The more I learn about the Enneagram, the more it resonates and the more I am struck by its depth and complexity. As a student partway through the Professional Certification Program, I am an apprentice who has so much to learn.

The format used by The Narrative Enneagram for this exploration is working well for me. It is organic, humble, and fosters curiosity rather than dogma. While I wouldn’t call my Jedi training with the Narrative frightening, it has certainly led me to places that have been uncomfortable and challenging—as well as to places of clarity, humility and gratitude. No one can do this work for me, and I am grateful to be part of this community.


Contributed by: Theresa Branaugh

Theresa Branaugh is a retired high school English teacher, mother of two, and grandmother of four who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband of 48 years. She will be finishing the teacher certification program with The Narrative Enneagram at the end of this year. When she is not facilitating various community interest classes and professional development workshops at her community adult school, she can be found exploring all things Enneagram—workshops, panels, books, and podcasts.

Enneagram Narrative Programs Personal reflection Professional Training


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